
State VOAD leadership is comprised of members from across the state. For information on how to get in contact with our team, please visit our Contact Us page, or click on the team member that you wish to contact.

Executive Board Members

Maynard Konechne


Agency: Knights of Columbus

Email:  SDVoadPresident@outlook.com

Phone:  605.730.0462

Darren McClary

Vice President

Agency:  Feeding South Dakota

Email:  darren.mcclary@feedingsouthdakota.org

Phone:  605.323.5232



Kylee Sivertson


Agency: LSS

Email: kylee.sivertson@lssSD.org

Phone: 605.444.7505

Tom Voorhees

Member-at-Large Eastern SD

Agency:  Latter-day Saints Charities

Email:  captcolo@aol.com

Phone:  605.940.3999

Ann Hanel

Member-at-Large Western SD

Agency:  Adventist Community Services

Email:  ahanel56@gmail.com

Phone:  605.389.6225